Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ten Worst Films Of 2018 10-9-8

Image result for happytime murders

It is that time again!! The ten worst films of the year!!
I will do my ten best of the year as we get closer to the Oscars. Of course I will have my all important annual Shadow Awards will be back again this year!!! I know!! Settle down!!
So here I go..............


It was a bad year for comedies, and I noticed a lot of them are in my top ten worst.. and this one was such a disappointment
It just lays there. Flat. We saw the funniest parts in the trailer.
It was a good idea that just blew up.

Image result for life of the party


Yes Melissa McCarthy BACK TO BACK. I know, it is sad, and I like her. Thankfully she redeemed herself later in the year in Can You Ever Forgive Me.
As for this film.............
I wanted to love it.
The script is bad. It is awkward....at one point I thought, if McCarthy's character was a male this whole thing would have been questionable. Oh wait a minute Rodney Dangerfield did this, and looking back, it was much funnier and now at this time it is kind of creepy.

Almost felt embarrassed for all that were involved in Life Of The Party, this party was not fun at all.


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The film was packed with bad CGI, I never felt anyone was in danger. It just did not look realistic.
Lazy lazy lazy writing. Did I say lazy? I love "Rock" Johnson, however here, there is no character development which made the film boring.  I think they kept thinking if we throw CGI action over and over and over and over we can fix the holes in the plot. AAAAH NOOOO!!! You can walk away from this film for a half an hour and come back and not miss a thing.
It is bad.

More to come!! 7-6-5 next!!

From the, shadows as always thanks for your time

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