Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Film Review: Mary Queen Of Scots

Image result for mary queen of scots movie


1 1/2 out of 5

Maybe the story is not made for film.

This is just a shame...2 wonderful actresses Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie and it still does not work.
There are 2 story lines:
1-Mary of Scotland. It promotes the film as Mary Stuart tries to attempt to overthrow the Queen Of England. It barely touched on that. It seemed to deal with inner struggles with the men around her and the fight of Catholics and Protestants (Yes I know that was part of the struggle between Scotland and England). It went around and around and around...and was just boring. Time went by in years which left me confused.
2-Queen Elizabeth played by Robbie. She is being promoted but is barely in the movie. When she was on the screen her story was interesting...but it kept going back to men having meetings in Scotland.

Now also throw in the many inaccuracies including the meeting of Mary and Elisabeth which never happened.
Even the look was bad, with bad lighting and shadows (yes I know there was barely lighting back then but often I could not make out who was talking), making it feel like a cheap production,

Yes the acting by Ronan and Robbie was you got that.
This film was a disappointment. I gave it 1 1/2 mainly for the acting.
From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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