Friday, January 4, 2019

New Film Review: Vice

Image result for vice movie



I just do not know what to think. It definitely has an agenda. the agenda true?
Again, I just do not know. The film even noted in the very beginning: "Dick Cheney was a quite man so this may not be facts, but we did the best we could do so fuck it". From what I watched and figured...I think the first part did was not entirely true and the second part ...I guess...true. How do I know where the second half starts...well they run credits in the middle. I think that was suppose to be funny but it really was not. In fact the film often tries to be funny, and misses often.
Now I liked Adam McKay when he did The Big Short. In the Big Short he went after the system and the people linked to the issue. Here he goes after Cheney...strangely without all the facts. It just felt odd...and off.
Throw in that the film is waaaaaaaaay too long. Two hours and twenty minutes!! I mean, if what I figured is true, just focus on the second part of the film which seemed to have more witnesses to be true.
Well there is good here...
The film at least, true are not, is interesting. It dives in to what we all know...left or right...Dems or Republicans...politicians are mostly crooked and are self serving.
Well acted....with an Oscar worthy performance by Christian Bale as Cheney (Sadly I thought Amy Adams was miscast as Mrs Cheney).

So a little better than average. Yes I know people are going nuts over this saying best film of the year, I do not see it, I think people see what they want and watch with partisan views. Its long, yet interesting, but just better than okay, with a great performance by Bale.

From the shadow as always thanks for your time.

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