Friday, January 11, 2019

New Film Review: The Upside

Image result for the upside



My first review for a 2019 film!!
I just rambled on in another review about one of the new things critics do is review a film for what they think the film should be...not for what it is. Which is not fair to the film. It is what it is.
I have read many critics do not like this because it is the same film as the 2011 film The Intouchables, this makes no sense. It is a remake which is Americanized. Some people prefer not watching films with subtitles. So critics say nothing has changed from the original. Huh? Why change what worked before????!!! I mean the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Film was not as good as the Swedish version, but I was open minded enough to enjoy it and like it. Again I think what we have here is critics being smug and letting you think they are smarter than you and how dare you like this American version when the French version is so much better!! Why cant you like both???!!
I even heard one critic say that Phillip has bad judgment so I did not like the film, he hired a assistant with no experience; he went para-sailing while his wife had cancer. Really??!! It is a true story!!!!!  It is what it is!!!!!!!!!
Or maybe something else comes into play here...The controversy around Kevin Hart. "If I like this film maybe people will think I like what Kevin Hart said 10 YEARS AGO"!! I will just leave that here.

Now to this film. Not as good as The Intouchables, but still pretty good. The acting makes it work..
Kevin Hart as Dell. This may be his best performance.
Bryan Cranston is believable as Phillip the wheelchair bound individual
Nicole Kidman as Yvonne. Another small role, I like her better in here than Boy Erased which she is getting Oscar buzz for.

The film has many laughs, and as you can imagine it is also sad in parts...and it is uplifting.


At 2 hours and 10 minutes it is long. Which leads to editing...There was a lot that could have been left out. The film dragged often...too often...the story needed to be tightened.

Do not let that shy you away. Going to the movies this weekend? You can do a lot worse than The Upside!!

From the shadows as usual thanks for your time.

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