Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Film Review: Spider-man....Into The Spider-Verse

Image result for spiderman into the spider verse

4 Stars Out Of 5

This was a nice surprise!
One of the best animated films of the year (still give a slight edge to Isle Of Dogs), and maybe one of the best films of the year.
It is absolutely beautiful looking, the it plays with darkness and light; good and just wonderful.There are layers here that almost make it seem like it is 3D but it is not. You also feel influences of Anime here also. So credit goes to the Directors Bob Persichetti; Peter Ramsey; and Rodney Rothman, and their animators.
The film did a good job with character development of the lead Miles Morales and family and friends around him (Still I wanted more of Gwen Stacy). The film has heart.
The voice work was spot on highlighted by Shameik Moore as Miles; Jake Johnson as Peter Parker; and Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy.
Why 4 stars?
It ran into Superhero movie virus...not knowing when to end the film. The end fight scene went on and on and on at one point I thought it was done...and it started again. Then it became convoluted with different parallel time warps and who is alive and who is dead. I followed it though it kind of bored me after awhile. I just wonder how real little ones could follow it or maybe I am not giving them enough credit and they just went with it (aka Avengers). It seemed they did not know how to end it.

Still a nice surprise go see it on the big screen!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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