Friday, January 18, 2019

New Film Review: Glass

Image result for glass movie

2 1/2 OUT OF 5 STARS

Oh boy!! No spoilers here, so I will try to explain

The Bad:
- This is a two hour and 10 minute film. For an hour and a half it just sits there. Nothing happens. We just watch Dr Staple (Sarah Paulson) interview the three main subjects. I think M Night thought it would add layer upon layer of tension...but just sat there.
-Then the last 40 minutes was filled with holes which leads to the  M Knight surprise endings...
-Note I said ENDINGS!!! There are three of them. Of course I cannot tell you but all three fell a little flat...
One involving a train which was interesting
One involving the DR which is odd
One involving the final three...that felt almost sad and I think was suppose to be uplifting.
I cannot tell if it was good or bad that I left the theatre confused. When I walked into the lobby after my screening, everybody was gathered around talking about what they just saw, and trying to decipher it. In fact maybe that is what M Night wanted, to have people discuss this drama. Note I said drama. No matter what the trailer wants you to think its a drama not a thriller. As a drama, the film kinda works.

The Good:
Bruce Willis
Sam Jackson
Sara Paulson
And yes Anya Taylor-Joy is back as Casey Cooke
Are all excellent in these roles!!
Then there is James McAvoy!! He is on another level. Switching  from personality to personality seamlessly. Amazing!! He was robbed of an Oscar nomination in Split and probably will be robbed again.

The acting is the highlight of the film for sure, and it is good to see Taylor-Joy back again.
I split (no pun attended) this film right down the middle with 2 1/2 stars. If you saw Split and Unbreakable you have to see it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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