Saturday, February 2, 2019

New Film: Serenity

Image result for serenity



No spoilers here and this one has a big goofy one.

What I will say is it is well acted by McConaughey and Hathaway.

As for the does not is irrelevant and that is the problem with this film which is too long for the strange and kinda sad and kinda touching ending. That is all I can say.

I will get to the controversy...McConaughey and Hathaway claiming the film was not supported by the studio. Well obviously for those who watched the film it was marketed as a thriller which became irrelevant so you feel like you wasted your time. Then the test market went real bad. So...they threw it out in January...a very common dump month....where they throw bad movies out and hope they can recoup some money. It is a loss.

So if you want to see it...wait for home viewing. I would be interested to see if they had an alternative ending. Good acting with a bizarre plot gives it 2 stars out of 5.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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