Saturday, February 16, 2019

My Top Films Of 2018! 10-9-and 8

As usual, as we enter Oscar week I give my top 10 films of the year. My top ten films do not look like the list of Oscar nominated films. I don't let agendas get in the way of whether I liked a film or not...I just want to be entertained or learn something along the way while being entertained. Simple. One of the criteria of  my top ten I want to see this film again? If I do not...usually it falls out of my top ten. I can tell you this is the first time since the 2015 film The Martian that my number one film is an Oscar Nominated film!!! To be honest was a pretty bad years in film. Many films were bad or just okay. Only a few film had me walking out of the theatre excited that I just watched something real good. I realized as looked back at the films I watched in 2018 that I was generous with some ratings/reviews desperate maybe just to say I saw something good subconsciously.
Well any way...

Soooo here we go with 10 very good films...........


Image result for bad times at the el royale

This movie is one of the most entertaining films of the year.
A story that keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat.
Great acting by everyone and highlighted by newcomer Cynthia Erivo who steals the film with her acting and voice.
I cannot tell you more but  I can say...crazy shit goes down at the El Royale.
It was a bit long at 2 hours and 21 minutes. Plus the last half hour went from crazy fun, too just mean (however the very very end recovered).
Written and Directed by Drew Goddard...he does a wonderful job. It kinda reminds you of the film The Hateful a good way LOL! Lets not overlook wonderful performances by Jeff Bridges: Dakota Johnson: Jon Hamm; and Chris Hemsworth.
It is very violent, so if you do not mind that... find a way to see it!!


Image result for JULIET NAKED

There is not much wrong with this film, based on a novel by Bruce Hornby.
Rose Byrne is wonderful as a single woman starting over after a long relationship.
Chris O'Dowd has great comic timing as usual.
Ethan Hawke, maybe one of our most underrated actors, gives a brilliant performance.
The script is tight,,,full of "feels" and laughter. A film about love...regrets and second chances.
The best romantic comedy of the year. Find it if you can, and see it. It is not a knock your socks off movie. However it is fun and it stays with you. I kept thinking about it days afterwards.
Sometimes you just want to be entertained.
Remember to watch during the credits!!


Image result for ready player one

I have to admit, I went in thinking this will not be my type of film. Shocked!!!!
Spielberg at his best...being well Spielberg. Kinda of a modern day Goonies.
It is very different. I do not get some people hating this film (it takes awhile to get use to the virtual reality part and what is really happening), it looks great; it is entertaining. It also has a wonderful message for our time and our future about...what happens if we let virtual reality become our reality.... society crumbles.
Good young actors with Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke
A good bad guy. in Ben Mendelsohn.
A little messy at the end and a little long...still very good!

7-6-5 of my top ten in 2018 still to come.

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