Friday, February 8, 2019

New Film Review: Annihilation

Image result for annihilation


2 1/2 STARS OUT OF 5

This is one of these movie where you either hate it or love it. Which unfortunately leads to, "If you do not like it you are not smart enough" people.  I went in the middle with 2 1/2 so take that.

The plot follows Lena ( Natalie Portman) as she tries to figure out what happen to her husband (Kane) after he got back from the service. This leads her to the Shimmer (do not ask). She heads into the Shimmer with Dr Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh); Radek (Tessa Thompson);  Cass (Tuva Novotony); and Anya Thorenson (Gina Rodriguez), their job is to do idea what. Kill aliens? Take notes?
The plot is the problem. Holes upon holes upon holes. I do not get the people who say you are not smart enough to understand this film. Well here is what I understand...these holes, and this is just a couple examples:
-When they go to check Kane after coming out of the Shimmer they are wearing hazmat suits. However the women going into the Shimmer no hazmat suits not even oxygen masks. Huh?
-You all go sleep real up high in the fort on the tower. I will do look-out way down here where I cant see anything coming at us. Huh?

Now I bust on the holes, but the plot was intense at all times, I guess that is what they wanted. Even though we never get a reason why the "Others" are hanging around. Maybe cloning? So it is confusing with a dead ending.

All the performances are great and that helps push the film through.
So right down the middle for Annihilation with 2 1/2 stars.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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