Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Film Review: Cold Pursuit

Image result for cold pursuit poster


3 1/2 OUT OF 5

First thing...I don't fall in line with, "An actor did this or an actress did that so I will hate that movie" Mantra. Or, "this movie has a lot of meaning because it hired a certain group of people so you have to like it"mantra, No...I do not fall in line with that thinking. I just want to know was I entertained or learn something while being entertained. Someone's agenda or thoughts...does not come into play with my reviews.
Here comes Cold Pursuit. I was surprised by what I saw. I was not expecting a Fargo-ish film. Very violent and filled with dry humor.
Somebody killed Nels Coxman's (Neeson) son Kyle. So he is going to kill all in his way to find an answer.

It is a very different film. Director Hans Peter Moland took a chance and it took awhile to get going but it worked. You almost feel bad laughing at the way people are being killed; or how the situation came about. No spoilers here as you know.

Well acted by all involved, highlighted by Tom Bateman as The Viking. These movies do not work without a real good bad guy and he is really slimy good.

Why 3 1/2?
I know it sounds like I loved it...I know. The ending is abrupt and filled us with loose ends..
-What happened...where did the kid go?
-Nels just went back to his life after this?
-What happened to Mustang?
-What happened to Officer Dash (Played by Emily Rossum)?
The movie just ended abruptly! I mean people were just sitting there wondering. It is almost like they cut the end a bit to not go over 2 hours. I followed these storylines...finish them!!

So 3 1/2 out of 5 stars..for this beautiful looking film. Try to see it on the big screen....the cold comes off the screen.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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