Friday, February 8, 2019

Valentines Week. Five Movies To Watch!!

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Valentines Day Week!!

Here are 5 films I recommend for Valentines Day Week that you may not know about, or maybe you just forgot you wanted to see these films.

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Spring, 1958. A 21-year-old French woman, Rose (Francois), travels to Normandy, where a charismatic insurance agency boss Louis (Doris)  is advertising for a secretary. Rose answers the advertisement and during the interview she reveals how bad she is at being a secretary. However she reveals a special gift - she can type at extraordinary speed, which brings out a competitive spirit in Louis. And starts an odd yet funny and romantic relationship.
I was lucky enough to catch this French film in the theatre when it came to the US in 2013 (It was released overseas in 2012). It has a touch of Mad Men and a touch of an old Audrey Hepburn film. It is very sweet, with romance and humor.
What makes this film really work is Deborah Francois. She is absolutely wonderful and believable, you will love her in this film. In fact, she is so good, I was thinking while watching the film, she is too good for him. She just shines.
Populaire a fun sweet French film.


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A hairdresser (Dyrholm) who has lost her hair to cancer finds out her husband is having an affair, travels to Italy for her daughter's wedding and meets a widower (Bronsan) who still blames the world for the loss of his wife.
In the mood for a terrific, kind of slow, sweet, and funny romantic film?! This is it.
Of course the big draw is Bronsan, but the real star of this film is Dyrholm. She absolutely shines in this picture. I had to look her up to see who she is after watching this film. She is known overseas as, according to others "The Best Actress Ever!". I was sort of flummoxed because I never heard of her, I know it is because she does her work in Denmark, but I look forward to see her again.
Well back to the film, this film is lovely with maybe a little touch of a farce. I was shocked that I never heard of it, evidently it never was released in the states except for a few film fests. I cannot give away to much of the plot because it will ruin the film for you but it is very sweet. I was thinking after watching it that I could have turned down the sound of this film and let it play out as a silent film and it would still work. It is magical and beautiful to watch.


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Set in Ireland, Cosmo's (Walsh-Peelo) family is having money trouble. So now he has to go to a "rougher" school. Along the way he meets a beautiful girl (Boynton) and he tries to impress her by starting a band with some of his new classmates.
March 2016 I was able to make the private screening of Sing Street!
WOW!!! What a surprise!!!
First this film would make a great Broadway Musical, and it probably will end up being so.
It is a musical. It is a comedy. It is a love story.
What makes it work? The three leads perfectly cast. Three actors I have never seen before in film!!
Walsh-Peelo as Cosmo. He is smart and funny and brave. Yes, he does not have the perfect voice, however that even works. He is a teenager with dreams. His voice is not going to be perfect but that makes the film real. Walsh-Peelo owns this character.
Lucy Boynton as Raphina is a find!! She is beautiful. Smart and funny. She also adds a sensitivity to her role. Just wonderful. Boynton understands that sometimes a look says a lot more than a word. Sometimes young actors try to push and explode in their parts. She lets her character almost smolder. Oh yes you just saw her Bohemian Rhapsody as Mary!!!
Jack Reynor as Brendan, Cosmo's brother. I think I love his character the most. He is like a Yoda to his brother. He also has a little remorse or longing for things he did not do, or that he was not brave enough to do. I thought Reynor. was really good.

It is almost a teenage version of another Irish film, The Commitments.
A sweet love story with humor.
Some pretty good 80's music, and some bad 80's music. Strangely, even the bad music is enjoyable.
There is a story line about being bullied and how to handle it. Also, there is something here about  finding your niche in an atmosphere where you feel like you are on the outskirts.
Still all these story lines are under one big umbrella about following your dreams and love.

My best picture in 2016!!
It even had its own music video...retro 80's Drive It Like You Stole It!!!


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Well..........Sometimes you find a gem......and this is one!!!
This movie is close to perfect.
The screenplay: The film follows a the relationship between Pakistanian Kumail and white girlfriend Emily. As they battle the culture differences. Then as the film moves on we deal with her illness. Then we follow Kumail's relationship with Emily's parent's Beth and Terry played by Hunter and Romano.
The script does an amazing job of being cute; yet being sad; throwing in plenty of humor. The amazing thing is it is a true story!! It just walks a tightrope seamlessly.


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An Irish immigrant (Ronan) lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a new romance. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within.
Ronan as Ellis gives an Oscar worthy performance as a confident and brave yet scared Irish girl establishing a new life in Brooklyn. Ronan says so much by just a look.....just wonderful.
I love a good dinner table scene and in this film there are many highlighted by another Oscar worthy performance by Julie Walters who is hilarious as the house mother for all the girls.
Now the real stars in this film are Yves Belanger the cinematographer and Odile Dicks-Mireaux as the costume designer. This film looks beautiful, every seen is perfectly shot. The look almost steals the film away from the great acting and screenplay.
Acting....screenplay...look...altogether a wonderful film.

Well there are 5 films to see this coming week!! All 5 of these films you can rent for 4 dollars or under on Amazon digital. Also if you have Prime you can watch The Big Sick for free,

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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