Wednesday, February 27, 2019

New Film Review: Happy Death Day 2U

Image result for happy death day 2u

Happy Death Day 2U
 1 star out of 5

Oh boy one of the first disappointments of the year.
I mean Happy Death Day, back in 2017 was one of  my biggest surprises.
Here was my review for that film:

Now the baby face is back in this messy movie.
It involves the same premise as the last film, the same day over and over with each day ending in a murder.
Soooomany things wrong....
-The cast is way to old...I can clearly tell, then I looked it up, the lead...Jessica Roth (though very good again) is in her 30's playing this college student. Same for all the other actors.
-The plot adds time travel to the script and it was confusing, and to be honest it was boring.
-Speaking of the script, the small plots were all over the place, with many holes that made no sense, making the 100 minute movie feel 3 hours long.

Well I gave it 1 star for some scares...and Jessica Roth was still very good.

Dont bother with this one.
From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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