Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Film Review: What Men Want

Image result for what men want


3 stars out of 5

If you have not seen the trailer, Taraji B Henson takes over the Mel Gibson part in What Women Want, as in she drinks a tea or bangs or head or both and now can read the mind of men.

This is a fun harmless film.
Well acted by:
Henson as Ali Davis who is struggling in a job dominated by men. But also she has to learn maybe to be a bit nicer.
Josh Brener as Brandon, Ali's assistant is pretty funny as he has to deal with her crassness.
There are also a lot of friends of Ali that are forgettable. However Erykah Badu is so funny as Sister. So hilarious.

As for the plot, it has a few chuckles (I would have liked more); It has many holes (Why did she not here that thought before it happened?), but like I noted before, it is harmless fun. You go to see this film for that.

So 3 stars out of 5.
From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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