Friday, October 16, 2015

New Film Review: Crimson Peak

Image result for crimson peak movie poster

Directed by Guillermo Del Toro
Screenplay by Guillermo Del Toro and Matthew Robbins
Starring: Mia Wasikowska; Jessica Chastain; and Tom Hiddleston

Edith Cushing (Wasikowska) is running away from a family tragedy. She marries Thomas Sharpe (Hiddleston), a mysterious stranger. She comes to live with him and his sister, Lady Lucille Sharpe (Chastain). She starts to find out that the Sharpe's home is filled with ghost, secrets, and danger.

You watch this film because you want a scary, thrilling, ghost story. It delivers.
I am not a huge fan of Del Toro. I feel he is all about style and the look. He often forgets to add a cohesive story to all that look and style. Here I have to tell you that I think it is his best film.
Is it perfect?! Far from perfect, but it is pretty good.
The spotlight here is on Wasikowska, she is perfectly cast as the frail brilliant young woman who wants to be writer. Hiddleston is miscast as Thomas, I just did not buy him as a handsome debonair guy, and Wasikowska and him had no chemistry what so ever. Chastain here as Lady Lucille is amazing!!! It is a juicy role (as opposed to her role in The Martian which came off a bit flat), and she was nothing short of awesome. Will the Oscar committee be brave enough to give her a Supporting Nod for a horror/thriller? We shall see.
For a horror film it runs too long at two hours. More editing was needed.
The script. Yes one of his better scripts and it builds slowly (if not too slow). However Edith, who comes across as a very bright woman in the first hour, acts really unintelligent in the second hour (Honey. The house has a giant gaping hole in the roof and it is snowing in the house!! And there is clay under the house!! That should warn you.). And as usual for Del Torro's films....what was that ending?
Another quick note: The last 20 minutes of this film is very violent. Like...reaaaaally violent. Just a warning.
4 stars out of 5 for this scary beautiful looking film. It is a tough film to review because I do not like spoilers but I think I gave you enough here, at least I hope.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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