Friday, October 2, 2015

New Film Review: Sleeping With Other People

Directed by Leslyle Headland
Screenplay by Leslyle Headland
Starring Jason Sudeikis and Alison Brie

A good-natured womanizer (Sudeikis) and a serial cheater (Brie) form a platonic relationship that helps reform them in ways, while a mutual attraction sets in.

You know where this is going in the first 5 minutes. That is okay. I can be a sucker for a charming love story. The problem here is the getting there part. Sudeikis is annoying as hell. He is much too old to play this part, or to be behaving like this. He is 40!!!!! Brie, I did not watch Community, this is the first time I have seen her and she comes across as cute. Lainey is a school teacher and seems to like children...but beyond that she is just has no personality or no likable traits. So there, as a viewer you are left with, two unlikable people talking about sex, and that is suppose to be funny, but it almost seems odd and creepy.
Well it had the ending that I thought the film would be heading to, but that is not enough. 1 1/2 stars out of 5 for Sleeping With Other People. When you see it available for home viewing pass it by.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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