Sunday, October 11, 2015

New Film Review: PAN

Image result for pan movie 2015

Directed by Joe Wright
Screenplay by Jason Fuchs
Starring Hugh Jackman; Levi Miller; Garret Hedlund; Amanda Seyfried; and Rooney Mara

12-year-old orphan Peter (Miller) is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland, where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny -- to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.

I feel bad it took me so long to write this up, I just got involved in many a thing and it kept being pushed aside. I feel bad because where ever you are out there....I could have stopped you.
Note at the top of this review is a movie poster for Pan; note the date...July. Yes it was pushed out of summer. Problems I am sure. The problem probably was...this film is a mess.
It is dark, starting with an orphanage and then an island of kids looking for pixie dust or something.
It is just a mess, dark for kids and boring for adults. The story is awful. Jackman looks like he stepped out of some broadway show singing in a costume that is as ridicules as his character. He even breaks out in Nirvanna song. Yes you read that right, him and children singing Nirvanna music. This is a bad story and a bad look. The director Joe Wright (maybe he was trying to be anotherr Baz Luhrman} who last directed the awful Anna Karenina, seems to have become all style and no story, and here the style is too dark. He should never be given a boatload of money to spend again, maybe he is better, aka when he directed Pride And Predjudice, with films on a smaller scale.
The good:
 Levi Miller as Peter is pretty good.
Rooney Mari as Tiger Lilly is really good. The movie was criticized by a group upset that she, a Caucasian, got the part ahead of a Native American. This ridiculous on two parts: A Native American does not mean a Native Neverlander. Plus...this group should be happy a Native American is not involved in this mess.
Amanda Seyfried as Wendy is very good in a small part.

1 1/2 out of 5 stars only because of the above three performances. The first real big budget bomb of the Fall season.

As always thanks for your time from the shadows.

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