Friday, October 2, 2015

New Film Review: SICARIO

Directed by Denis Villeneuve
Screenplay by Taylor Sheridan
Starring: Emily Blunt; Josh Brolin; Benicio Del Toro

This is a very hard film to review. I always spoilers I will give it my best shot.
The "War" on drugs. We hear it on TV all the time. This film shows us is a freaking war on drugs. Yes this is a thriller and a little bit of a mystery, but all in all it is a war movie, or maybe an old style western. It asks the question how far do you go to get the bad people?! Do you break laws? What bad guys do you have to get into bed with to get even the worst of the worst guys? It is also political, yes okay some people want open borders. Okay....but what about the drugs that are being run into the US? What to do? This film show us the difficulty of such a "war on drugs".
The screenplay by Sheridan is wonderful with a slow build. The direction by Villeneuve is very close to perfect with lighting and pace and, as a viewer, almost feel the heat and dirt coming off the screen.
Emily Blunt is getting a lot of props for this role. She is good here, but it seems she often does not have a lot to do except watch and question until the climatic ending. I think Brolin is fantastic!! Del Toro as Alejandro is amazing. You are constantly questioning WTH is he here for??!! He is quiet and always watching, speaking real quiet. Supporting Actor Nomination candidate for sure.
4 1/2 stars out of 5 for this slow building, maybe upsetting story, of how far do we go to get the head of the snake.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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