Wednesday, October 28, 2015

YAY OR NAY Trailers Return!!! Hail Caesar; Race; And Love The Coopers!!

It is Wednesday and YAY OR NAY Trailers are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Settle down!!!

Release Date February 5 2016

A great cast and the Coen brothers!! The trailer was even funny and in typical Coen brother's films it looks like the jokes come quick...I am in ...YAY!!!

November 13 2015

I love the Family Stone (Is that the same house?!). Great cast including Diane Keaton! Still I did not laugh once during the trailer. I hope they did not think that kid was funny because I found him annoying. Still with that cast I will give it a slight YAY.

February 19 2016

With a February winter release. This could do well. I am excited by what I saw on the trailer. My concern is that they made this story on the looks like a PBS biography which may not be good. I give the trailer a slight YAY!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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