Friday, February 3, 2017

Film review Silence

Image result for silence movie

Directed Martin Scorsese
Screenplay by Martain Scorsese and Jay Cocks
Based on the book by Shusaku Endo
Starring Andrew Garfield; Adam Driver and Liam Neeson

I should just cut and paste this, but I will not be lazy. Critics can be sheep. They see a movie they are suppose to love and cannot get past themselves. They do not want other writers to think they are stupid. So getting to Silence....they see Scorsese and they feel, whether consciously or unconsciously, give it a thumbs up. Me I give it to you real. Do I feel you want to spend your time and money watching this film.

Silence follows two priests as they travel to Japan to find their mentor and  teach Catholicism.

Let me get the good out of the way:
-Andrew Garfield as Rodriques is a fantastic performance. You really feel like he is suffering, at the same time trying to lead. You really feel it. What a year he is having Hacksaw Ridge and now this!!
-The look of this film. Sometimes beautiful. Sometimes awash in mud. Shadows and light. Just beautiful.
-The story. I knew nothing about it. Faith and I have never seen.

And now what you have been expecting...the bad:

This was Scorsese's baby. He has been trying to get this film made for like 30 years. Maybe longer.
There was a reason it has taken this long Martin!!! It is not a good idea!!  Try it this way....Hey honey lets go to the movies and watch people get tortured for 2 hours and 45 minutes. It will be a great nioght out.
There is the problem. You are amazed by this man's faith but the torturer of his followers due to this faith...made the film just drag on. It was hard to watch, then throw in 2 hours and 45 minutes. UGH!!
You can tell no one had the guts to tell Scorsese to edit this thing, you can still get your point across.

I give Silence 2 1/2 out of 5 for the idea, for Garfield, and the cinematography. Yes there is an umbrella of a story here about the strength of faith. Which I like, but the way it was told and its length made me want to just walk out.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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