Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Revisit To The Year 1999 My Number 1 Of That Year

Image result for american beauty

As noted yesterday, most Wednesdays I will be revisiting number 1 films on my lists from past years.
However the next couple weeks will be filled with new films and top ten lists as we get closer to Oscar night. Then I will continue with revisits.
Why 1999? That was the year I started keeping accurate track of my films.

1999. The year that gave us Sixth Sense. American Pie. Star Wars The Phantom Menace.

However my number 1 film of that year was:


Directed by Sam Mendes
Screenplay by Alan Ball
Starring Kevin Spacey; Annette Bening; Thora Birch; Wes Bentley; and Mena Suvari

I noticed that this is a rare thing. That the film I put at number 1 wins an Oscar.
Not only an Oscar but Best Actor and Best Screenplay and Best Score. Five Oscars in all.
The film is a wonderful film that looks into the secrets of two suburban homes.
Sometimes funny. Sometimes heartbreaking. Sometimes so real it has you looking away. Yet oddly entertaining. It may seem a little dated today with cellphones in our world...yet it still seems timely also, with Facebook and people posting false lives.
In addition to an Oscar winning performance by Kevin Spacey it had a wonderful performance by Annette Bening. Also it introduced us to Wes Bently and Thora Birch a strangely cute couple. Then throw in the perfect little Lolita, Mena Suvari who also starred in another hit that year American Pie. Then a fantastic creepy performance by the worst dad, Colonel Fitts, played by Chris Cooper.

Well here are some fun and not so fun facts about American Beauty:
-Thora Birch was 17 at the time of filming. So they had to get the okay from her parents for the quick nude scene.
-Bening and Birch were shocked when Spacey threw the asparagus against the wall. He was suppose to throw it on the floor. Their reactions were real.
-The poster is not Suvari. The stomach belongs to model/actress Chloe Hunter.
-The cheerleaders dance routine was choreographed by Paula Abdul
-SPOILER...DONT READ UNLESS YOU SEE THE MOVIE: The original script has Ricky and Jane arrested for murder.

5 out of 5 stars for American Beauty my number 1 film of 1999.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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