Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Film review Patriots Day

Image result for patriots day movie

Directed by Peter Berg
Screenplay by Peter Berg and Matt Cook
Based on the story by Peter Berg; Matt Cook; Paul Tamasay; and Eric Johnson
Starring Mark Wahlberg; John Goodman; Kevin Bacon; Jimmy O Yang; and  J k Simmons

Yes it came out in 2017. However it got a one theater release in 2016. So it is a 2016 film.

This is the second film from Wahlberg and Berg this year, the first being Deepwater Horizon. Patriots Day is better.

We know the outcome!! We know what is coming! However we are on the edge of our seats. It is painful.
So lets go over what we did not see on the news:
-The behind the scenes search using cameras from restaurants
-We see terrorists plan and their moves after the bomb went off.
-We see the hospitals afterwards

Now I hear Wahlberg is a mix of characters/police officers not a real person.
However the rest of the characters from the FBI to the mayor are real and have to make a lot of tough decisions in a short time. It is intense. They made the right decision by bringing in Bacon; Goodman; and Simmons. Grade A actors make it work.

January is dump month for movies. Lets dump it after Christmas. There is hardly any competition, maybe the film will make some money back. I thought that going into the theater. It showed one day in December. Maybe it tested bad and decided January would be best. Wrong!!! It was well done and one of the best films of the year.

Important to note: And maybe most important: The feel of the film. Evil that day attacked Boston. However a community came together and beat evil. A community together can do so much. It can uplift everyone.

4 1/2 stars out of 5 for Patriots Day. Well done by Berg and Wahlberg.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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