Sunday, February 19, 2017

My Top Ten Films Of 2016.....10-9-8

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Director Mel Gibson
Screenplay by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight
Starring Andrew Garfield; Sam Worthington; Teresa Palmer; and Vince Vaughn

We start my Top Ten with an unbelievable story, unbelievable yes but is it is true.
It is an amazing story following Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss who in WWII served while refusing to shoot at/kill anyone. However he saved so many soldiers that he got a Medal Of Honor.

The story is told in pretty much in two halves, making it almost feel like two films.
The first half we get the introduction of Doss and his relationship with his parents. We also see his relationship with his soon to be wife Dorothy played by Palmer. Then we follow him as he joins the service and battles for the right to not have to carry a gun but still serve his country.
The first half is well paced and is interesting.

The second half we see the battle of Okinawa. Where Doss's heroism is is unmatched. We also get to see Vaughn give his best performance in years as Sgt. Howe.

This film is all Garfield. I have only seen him as Spiderman which is a film relying heavy on special effects, so I was shocked by how wonderful he is here. He is all in and just amazing. Well worth an Oscar Nomination.

Faults? Well Gibson sure knows how to tell a story that is for sure. He needed a little bit of editing here. The second half seemed to go over the top. Body parts and blood, and a bit long. We get it, it was a horrible...but it was overboard. Trust me that is a small fault.
This film is a great story. It is well acted. It looks amazing. Gibson is back, no matter what you think of him, he can tell a story. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

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Directed by Theodore Melfi
Screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
Based on the book by Margaret Lee Shelterly
Starring Taraji P Hensen; Octavia Spencer; Janelle Monae; Kevin Costner; Kirsten Dunst; and Jim Parsons

Well this is what going to the movies is suppose to be about. Fun. Exciting. Interesting.
This will be short because, lets face it, the trailer says it all.

The prize is the story. It was informative. Face it...not many people knew!!!
It was funny at times.
It had slight bad "guys" played well by Jim Parsons and Kirsten Dunst.
It had a father figure in the great Kevin Costner (who I hear was a combination of characters).
Then the three leads:
Spencer is bad ass here. She almost becomes our eyes. Watch her if you are going to see it, in the background her eyes are big and watching. Her eyes say so much.
Then P Hensen, she is the star. I think they set it up that way because we see her growing up. She goes toe to toe with Costner and shines. Look at the height difference but she comes through somehow bigger.Why is she not getting award season love is beyond me.

Leads me to a few negatives:

I think Jonae Monae is miscast. I think we are suppose to like her. I thought she was not. Harsh, which made me not care about her. I also felt she was one note. Just blah.I do not think she is acting. See her other roles. Just blah.
I love corny. However they pushed it here with the script....breaking away from true story to based on a true story. The march down the hallway. The wait for P Hensen before lift off, true but not that tight of a time schedule. Stuff like that. I understand the point they are bringing across but it does not have to over kill. Trust your story, your audience will still be entertained.

Still....inspiring and fun....4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Hidden Figures. By the way like La La Land a movie for the family that is not animated.

Image result for patriots day movie


Directed by Peter Berg
Screenplay by Peter Berg and Matt Cook
Based on the story by Peter Berg; Matt Cook; Paul Tamasay; and Eric Johnson
Starring Mark Wahlberg; John Goodman; Kevin Bacon; Jimmy O Yang; and  J k Simmons

Yes it came out in 2017. However it got a one theater release in 2016. So it is a 2016 film.

This is the second film from Wahlberg and Berg this year, the first being Deepwater Horizon. Patriots Day is better.

We know the outcome!! We know what is coming! However we are on the edge of our seats. It is painful.
So lets go over what we did not see on the news:
-The behind the scenes search using cameras from restaurants
-We see terrorists plan and their moves after the bomb went off.
-We see the hospitals afterwards

Now I hear Wahlberg is a mix of characters/police officers not a real person.
However the rest of the characters from the FBI to the mayor are real and have to make a lot of tough decisions in a short time. It is intense. They made the right decision by bringing in Bacon; Goodman; and Simmons. Grade A actors make it work.

Important to note: And maybe most important: The feel of the film. Evil that day attacked Boston. However a community came together and beat evil. A community together can do so much. It can uplift everyone. I do not get how it is not on the top ten list of other critics. Hell with is sure on mine.

4 1/2 stars out of 5 for Patriots Day. Well done by Berg and Wahlberg.

So my first three on my top ten are based on real stories. Hint there is one more based on a true story im m top ten. However number 7 is not one of them.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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