Monday, February 6, 2017

New Film Review: A Dogs Purpose

Image result for a dog's purpose movie

Directed by Lase Hallstrom
Screenplay by W Bruce Cameron; Catheryn Michon; Audrey Wells; Maya Forbes; and Wally Wolodorsky
Based on the book by W Bruce Cameron
Starring Denis Quaid; Peggy Lipton; Kj Apa; John Ortiz; and Britt Robertson
Voice by Josh Gad

A dog comes back and back and back as different dogs.

This film had a lot going against it. An awful trailer. It showed a dog dying and a sad teenager. Really? It gives the impression we will see scenes like this over and over, which is not true. That is the one time and it is like 30 seconds but that little scene in the trailer can turn people off.
Then throw in the animal cruelty allegations that were proved false.

I hear to let you know the film is kinda cute and pleasant. I think the film taps on the sadness of when you lose a pet. Not only do you miss the pet but you at the time realize how much the pet has witnessed from deaths, too moving, too other pets, too births.
It is a cute film. Very light with a sweet ending.
What really makes it work is the wonderful performances:
The big name is Dennis Quaid. He is good but only in the film for 10 minutes maybe.
The highlight is a wonderful performance by KJ Apa as the teen Ethan.  He owns this part and it is not easy playing against a dog. He has you cheering for him and you also hurt for him. He is the all-American boy.
Then throw in one of my favorites Britt Robertson who never gives a bad performance. Here she shines as Hannah, Ethan's girlfriend. When they are together you almost forget the dog.

A sweet film that maybe a little too soft. Just...not much development, I think because the story jumps time so often that it is difficult to have time for development. Like I wanted to know more about Ethan but...we jumped time.

Still it is harmless and kind of sweet and silly so 3 stars out of 5 for A Dogs Purpose.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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