Monday, February 20, 2017

New Releases This Week For Home Viewing

Image result for manchester by the sea

Big week with 4 films to note 1 great. 1 really good. 1 good. 1 just bad.
Let's start.

Manchester By The Sea
Directed by Kenneth Lonergan
Screenplay by Kenneth Lonergan
Starring Casey Affleck; Michelle Williams: Kyle Chandler; and Lucas Hedges

Manchester follows Lee (Affleck) as he learns of the death of his brother, he has to return back to Manchester where memories haunt him and others, while trying to take care of his now orphaned Nephew Patrick (Hedges).

Like Moonlight. This is a difficult film. It is haunting. It has an umbrella of sadness. No spoilers here, but what haunts Lee is just devastating. It is hard for us as the viewer to get past it also.

The film tries to add humor but to be honest I really did not laugh.
Patrick played by Hedges was suppose to add levity but I just thought he was a jerk. Yes he lost his father. No one wants him. I know, but he seems still like a selfish jerk. Also I think he is just alright in this part. He is kinda just there. I do not get the Oscar love.
I know everyone loves Casey Affleck for playing a very difficult part. He is really good here. He is almost like a ghost, trying to come back to life but in a weird way punishing himself by pushing life away. He is very good.
Michelle Williams. She has a heart wrenching scene where she puts on an acting clinic. Her and Viola Davis are at another level compared to all the other working actresses right now.

Manchester By The Sea is well acted. but like I is a tough watch. If anything I think the characters grew a little in the film, in a way of learning who they are,

And a final note, boy this film looks wonderful. It feels closed in but oddly open and beautiful.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Manchester By The Sea.

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Directed by Tom Ford
Screenplay by Tom Ford
Based on the novel by Austin Wright
Starring Amy Adams; Jake Gyllenhaal; Michael Shannon; Aaron Taylor Johnson

I mentioned in my review of Arrival that Amy Adams made two films back to back with confusing endings, well this is the second one.
An Art gallery owner, Adams, receives a book from her ex husband that he wrote. At this point, we as the viewer watch the story within the book.
Is the book a true story?
Was there a message for his ex?
Was it revenge?
There are many theories out there.

What I can tell you is that this is well acted:
Gyllenhaal is so good here but is getting no award season love.
Shannon and Adams are always good.
As for Johnson, he won a Globe for this role, and damn he is creepy in this. Well deserved.

As for the story. It is disturbing. Very disturbing to a point where I wanted to leave at the peak of it. To me that is not entertainment. I am glad I stayed because it turned into a mystery and a question of  revenge. Maybe revenge in a couple forms.

Yes disturbing, and violent but it keeps you on the edge of your seat.
'I was debating between 3 1/2 and 4.......I am going with 3 1/2 out of 5. Just be prepared it is disturbing...I warned you. Then you can figure out the meaning of the ending. It is debated on line that is for sure.

Image result for bad santa 2

Directed by Nark Walters
Screenplay by Johnny Rosenthal; Shauna Cross;
Starring Tony Cox; Billy Bob Thornton; Kathy Bates; Christina Hendricks; and Brett Kelly

There is a reason it was in my Top Ten Worst Films Of 2016
I liked Bad Santa the first. I think it was just the shock value that made it funny.

Here in part 2....not funny. I did not laugh once. Not once.

This was clearly a money grab for Thornton and Cox. However I have no idea what Hendricks and Bates were thinking.

I am giving Bad Santa 2.... 1 star out of 5 and that will be just for the robbery plot that is the only interesting thing.

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Director Mel Gibson
Screenplay by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight
Starring Andrew Garfield; Sam Worthington; Teresa Palmer; and Vince Vaughn

Well welcome back Mel Gibson. And boy is he back, directing an unbelievable story. Yes unbelievable, however the problem is it is true.
It is an amazing story following Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss who in WWII served while refusing to shoot at/kill anyone. However he saved so many soldiers that he got a Medal Of Honor.
Yes if you read my top ten of 2016 so was number 10 and well deserved. Follow my top ten you will love it!! Plug!! Plug!!

The story is told in pretty much in two halves, making it almost feel like two films.
The first half we get the introduction of Doss and his relationship with his parents. We also see his relationship with his soon to be wife Dorothy played by Palmer. Then we follow him as he joins the service and battles for the right to not have to carry a gun but still serve his country.
The first half is well paced and is interesting.

The second half we see the battle of Okinawa. Where Doss's heroism is is unmatched. We also get to see Vaughn give his best performance in years as Sgt. Howe.

This film is all Garfield. I have only seen him as Spiderman which is a film relying heavy on special effects, so I was shocked by how wonderful he is here. He is all in and just amazing. Well worth an Oscar Nomination.

Faults? Well Gibson sure knows how to tell a story that is for sure. He needed a little bit of editing here. The second half seemed to go over the top. Body parts and blood, and a bit long. We get it, it was a horrible...but it was overboard. Trust me that is a small fault.
This film is a great story. It is well acted. It looks amazing. Gibson is back, no matter what you think of him, he can tell a story. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows thanks for your time.

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