Monday, February 6, 2017

New Film Review For Gold

Image result for gold movie

Directed by Stephen Gaghan
Screenplay by Patrick Bassett and John Zinman
Starring Matthew McConaughy; Bryce Dallas Howard; and Edgar Ramirez

Well the trailer tells you everything, so then let me get to the review.

This film notes this is based on a true story. No it is not. Not even close. It had to do with penny stock mining not gold. And there was not one bit of excitement around that story. It is just odd.
Then you get to the McConaughy character who is not real. The weight and hair???!! Why??
I do not throws you off because...I mean WHY?? Why everything. It feels like a lie.
If it stands alone and does not mention that it was based on a real story you feel like okay it is just a story. If that makes sense.

The odd thing is it is a fun story to watch. You kind of like the characters. They are underdogs. You cheer for them (however Kenny Wells is kind of a jerk often). He almost reminds you of Ray Kroc in The Founder film. You cheer but feel bad for others around him.
Howard gives a wonderful performance as Kay, Well's partner in life. You loooove her but when she is not in the film you miss her, which is too often. And that is a problem.
Now Ramirez steals the film here as Acosta Wells business partner. He is calm and bright opposite of the sloppy and unfocused Wells.

So...well acted. Interesting story with kind of a lazy twist and then a lazy ending...SINCE IT WAS NOT TRUE they could have gone anywhere with it. So right down the middle 2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Gold. Good...wanted great.

Ferom the shadows as always thanks for your time as always.

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