Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Review for Hidden Figures

Image result for hidden figures what is true what is false


Directed by Theodore Melfi
Screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
Based on the book by Margaret Lee Shelterly
Starring Taraji P Hensen; Octavia Spencer; Janelle Monae; Kevin Costner; Kirsten Dunst; and Jim Parsons

Well this is what going to the movies is suppose to be about. Fun. Exciting. Interesting.
This will be short because, lets face it, the trailer says it all.

The prize is the story. It was informative. Face it...not many people knew!!!
It was funny at times.
It had slight bad "guys" played well by Jim Parsons and Kirsten Dunst.
It had a father figure in the great Kevin Costner (who I hear was a combination of characters).
Then the three leads:
Spencer is bad ass here. She almost becomes our eyes. Watch her if you are going to see it, in the background her eyes are big and watching. Her eyes say so much.
Then P Hensen, she is the star. I think they set it up that way because we see her growing up. She goes toe to toe with Costner and shines. Look at the height difference but she comes through somehow bigger.Why is she not getting award season love is beyond me.

Leads me to a few negatives:

I think Jonae Monae is miscast. I think we are suppose to like her. I thought she was not. Harsh, which made me not care about her. I also felt she was one note. Just blah.I do not think she is acting. See her other roles. Just blah.
I love corny. However they pushed it here with the script....breaking away from true story to based on a true story. The march down the hallway. The wait for P Hensen before lift off, true but not that tight of a time schedule. Stuff like that. I understand the point they are bringing across but it does not have to over kill. Trust your story, your audience will still be entertained.

Still....inspiring and fun....4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Hidden Figures. By the way like La La Land a movie for the family that is not animated.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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