Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday New Releases On DVD And BLU/RAY And Streaming!!

After having a week with no new releases to note , there are three to films released for home viewing this week!!

Directed by Etan Cohen
Screenplay by six writers
Starring: Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart

When  multi-millionaire James King (Ferrell) is found guilty for fraud and is sent to San Quentin, he turns to Darnell Lewis(Hart) to prep him before he goes to jail.

The film is a disappointment. Six writers. I mention that because six writers were involved and this film did not have many laughs, which is shocking because these are two of the funniest people on the planet. It was more cringe worthy than funny. One scene at a gay diner, I think that is what it was, was just hard (no pun intended) to watch, it was not funny, and borderline homophobic. It was lazy writing with waaay to many coincidences and a rushed ending that seems like it was thrown together.
The positives? Ferrell and Hart had good chemistry. They just did not have much to work with.

2 stars out of 5 for Get Hard.

Screenplay and Direction by Dan Fogelman
Starring: Al Pacino; Annette Bening; Christopher Plummer; Bobby Cannavale; and Jennifer Garner

Inspired by the true story of singer Steve Tilson, Al Pacino stars as aging 1970s rocker Danny Collins, who is living off his past success, still partying like his golden days, living with a woman who is about 1/3 his age. But when his manager Frank (Christopher Plummer) uncovers a 40 year-old undelivered letter written to him by John Lennon, he Reflects on what he was or the person he was before stardom. Collins then decides to change his course and embarks on a heartfelt journey to rediscover his past, and try to make reparations while doing so.
This film surprised me. There is a sweetness to Danny Collins. There is one scene where he catches his girlfriend doing something wrong,and the way he handles it is surprisingly. From that point in the film I felt....wow...there is a softness to this guy that they did not show in the trailer.
It is a pretty good film with really good performances:
Pacino, it maybe the best performance he has given since The Insider. He plays Collins surprisingly pushy and soft at the same time.
Plummer, as Pacino's agent almost steals the film, as he usually does, with humor.
All these stars mean nothing with out another really good screenplay by Dan Fogelman (Crazy,Stupid,Love).

Well I cant classify it as great film, but it is a pretty good sweet film to sit and watch at home  3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Danny Collins. Well worth a look.

While We're Young
Direction and Screenplay Noah Baumbach
Starring: Ben Stiller; Naomi Watts; Adam Driver; Amanda Seyfried; and Charles Grodin

Josh and Cornelia (Watts and Stiller), 40-somethings who are going through their mundane lives. Josh has been hard at work on a documentary film for eight years, yes eight years. Cornelia is constantly being asked when she's going to have kids, while being afraid to tell her friends she may not want kids. Their lives gets thrown for a loop when they meet Jamie and Darby (Seyfried and Driver), young hipsters who live such a free life, Josh and Cornelia want to experience a part of their lives.
The film is listed as a comedy. Far from it. The only funny moments are seen in the trailer. So, the trailer is misleading. The film is more of a drama. It is almost sad to watch this couple try to hold on to their youth. Then out of nowhere the film delves into modern day electronics and ethics and the disagreement of who owns what information. And it also touches on being 40 and older and keeping up with technology, the feeling of always being a step behind.
The film has an odd tone. It is not a bad film, but not a very good film.

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for While We're Young. For a night at home for watching it has it's moments.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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