Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers...Including Creed!!!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!!

Release Date November 25 2015

Wow Michael B Jordan looks pumped up. Look at the size of him in the Fantastic Four trailer and look at him here. He looks like a different person. The trailer does not give us too much of the plot however Jordan is a fantastic young actor and I like that they have Ryan Coogler directing and screenwriting, he did  Fruitvale Station, so he can tell a story with emotion. Also, I do this blog from the Philly area and I love the look and feel of the city, I love to see it on the big screen. The trailer looks exciting so I am giving it a big YAY. I can't wait.

August 21st 2015

The title is awful, it makes you think of a superhero movie. Eisenberg and Stewart look like they have good chemistry. The rest of the cast looks great. It just looks so sloppy. With an August 21 release, the time when just okay movies get dumped to the cinemas....that is not a good sign. Still judging just by watching the trailer I am going with a slight NAY!!

Release Date August 7 2015

It looks like Bateman is hiding secrets. Very intriguing. I wonder if the trailer gave too much away.
I am giving it a slight YAY. I want to see what happens here, so the trailer did it's job.

Well as always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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