Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Recommended: Clouds Of Sils Maria

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Okay....I am getting a lot of looks in Ireland so welcome my Irish friends!!!

Now...full disclosure I blew it!! Clouds Of Sils Maria slipped by me a couple weeks ago and I did not add it to my new release list on DVD/BLURay/Streaming.
So I will make it an opportunity!!! So this week I recommend:

Direction and Screenplay by Olivier Assayas
Starring: Juliette Binoche; Kristen Stewart; and Chloe Grace Moretz

 Maria Enders (Binoche) is asked to perform in a revival of a play that made her famous twenty years ago. However, 20 years ago she played the part of the young sexy girl Sigrid who pushes and pushes and eventually drives her boss Helena to suicide. Now she is being asked to step into the other role, that of the older Helena. With some reluctance she agrees to play the part, to respect the actress who played Helena before her. She departs with her assistant Valentine (Stewart) to rehearse in Sils Maria; a remote region of the Alps. A young star with a history of problems (reminding you of Lindsay Lohan ) Jo-Ann Ellis (Moretz)  is set to play Sigrid. Maria, while rehearsing,  slowly finds similarities between herself and Helena. Valentine is frustrated by Maria's push back, while rehearsing. Valentine also starts to see similarities between herself and Maria; and Sigrid and Helena. Maria's frustration is that she is trying to push back time, which obviously she cannot bring back what once was.

This film seems like it could be a stage play, and interesting enough, this film is about prepping for a stage play. It gives you an insiders look at the film business and the sometimes hardships of fame.
The acting here is fantastic. Two Oscar worthy performances by Binoche and Stewart.
Julie Binoche as Maria, is pretty much a snotty successful actress who is fighting her age, and sort of holds onto her stardom by making people beg her to do parts. As this is going on she is going through a divorce. Age, divorce, stardom, she becomes an actress fighting for acknowledgement, while fighting her own pride (with some fear).
Kristen Stewart is on a roll right now. Still Alice; On The Road; and now Clouds Of Sils Maria. She plays Valentine with almost a fierceness.  Often she says so much with just a look. Richard Roeper noted this performance reminds people she is one of the best actresses of this generation. I have to agree.
I cannot review this film without mentioning Moretz as Jo Ann Ellis. I have not seen Moretz give a bad performance yet in her film career. She is very good here again this time in a smaller role.
Now for the film itself. A nice interesting film that is a bit too long. Too many shots just being held to show us a hill. I have nothing against nice shots of hills but when your screenplay is slow and you are pushing two hours, I think some things can be left on the floor. The film also leaves many questions left open. At one point a main character vanishes which is being debated online what the heck happened to the character, or what was the character. It is intriguing but a little annoying because the film lags a lot and you spend so much time with the characters, you are vested in their lives and you want to know what happened to them in the end.  I just think Assayas tried to be too artsy here, and I feel it slows things down.

Still, what we have here is a film with three lead women,(YES THREE LEAD WOMEN!!) who are acting the hell out of this film that has a "dragging" script. I give Clouds Of Sils Maria 4 out of 5 stars. Why? The acting here is that good. It is like a "how to" film for future actors. I recommend it this week just for you to see something different and maybe you can figure out the end.

Well from the shadows as always thank you for your time.

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