Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers!! With Sisters; Crimson Peak; and The Visit!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!!

Release Date Oct 16 2015

Yes it looks like a good scary story for October. And yes I Like Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska. However I can never connect with Guillermo Del Toro. I think he is more flash than story. Be it Pans Labryinth or Hellboy...his films always seem like a visual buffet but with no real meat. His stories seem to open well but then go off track. Critics I think get fooled by the beauty of his films. As for the Crimson Peak looks the same problem NAY!!

December 25 2015

Wow Christmas day looks like a big day for movies!! Sisters; Star Wars; Joy; Hateful Eight; and Snowden. As for this film, the trailer looks funny and lets face Poehler and Fey, I am in!! YAY!!

Release Date September 11 2015

Wow!! This looks funny and creepy at the same time. A visit to the grandparents will never be the same. M. Night needs a hit.....this looks too creepy to be it but I am in....the trailer did it's job and got me interested. YAY!!

Well as always from the shadows thanks for your time as always.

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