Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers!! With Joy and Pixar's The Good Dinosaur!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!!

Release Date December 25 2015

David O'Russell directing and Jennifer Lawrence; Robert Deniro; Bradley Cooper all back together again. I really cannot tell what the heck the plot is, however I liked them all together in Silver Linings. I am just excited to see them again YAY!!

Release date November 25

It is funny from the trailer it looks like the same plot as Ice Age.
The trailer I thought was awful, which makes me worry about the film. Nay!!

Release Date October 22 2015

Wow!! This looks good. It looks fun and a little romance and some secrets. Also I like Liam Hensworth when he is not Thor I think he has wonderful comic timing. Well I hope it gets a full release in October. YAY!!

Well as always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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