Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers!! GOOSEBUMPS!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!!

Release Date October 16 2015

Wow this looks like fun for the whole family. And at Halloween it works!!! It looks like Black is playing R.L. Stine and it works because as we saw in School Of Rock he plays off children well. Plus,as noted yesterday, when talking about Paul Blart 2, that it is rare to find a new release of a live action family film.
I also like in the days of PS4's or 10's or whatever, words from books can bring excitement also.

Release date August 28 2015

I really like Emma Watson and Ethan Hawke.
However the trailer did nothing for me, it was kind of boring, and by the way the end of August and first week of September are usually "dump a bad movie times" where the theatres are empty and studios try to recoop any money they can get with little NAY!!

Release date August 7

Well it sure as hell looks different. I like the grainy 70's film look. I hope it is not too far over the top. I go with a slight YAY!

Well from the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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