Tuesday, June 16, 2015

An Early Review: Inside Out!!!!! With Lava!! Pixar Digital Tour!!!! With a Q And A After The Film!!

Image result for inside out

Directed by Peter Doctor
Screenplay by Peter Doctor; Ronaldo del Carmen; Meg LeFauve; and Josh Cooley
Starring the voices of: Amu Poehler; Phylliss Smith; Richard Kind; Bill Hader; Lewis Black; and Mindy Kaling.

After 11 year old Riley is uprooted from her life in Minnesota (in fact she plays ice hockey which I love about her) and moves with her parents to San Francisco, Joy (Poehler), Fear (Hader), Anger(Black), Disgust(Kaling) and Sadness(Smith) - conflict on how best to navigate her new surroundings and her brain/emotions.

First I will say for those looking for New Release Tuesday, I am moving that this week to Thursday because I want to get this early review out. I know you are sad.....take a minute...breathe.

So much to cover tonight!!! I will try to give my opinion on Inside Out without giving up too much of the plot. It may mean the review of the film may be short because I rather you take it in without knowing too much.

Now director Peter Doctor also did UP, and if you think back there is a umbrella of sadness in UP. Carl lost his wife and it is emotional for him, and you can feel it coming off the screen. Now UP had Dug to add a little levity. In Inside Out Doctor pokes at our emotions again...without much levity. This film is heavy. Riley is sad through about 85% of the film. You feel her sadness. You feel the parents sadness. At times it is so real it is heartbreaking. This does not make the film bad, just different. I think the the film is not for young children, not that there is anything bad for them to see, they just may not get it. Riley is 11, and I think the film may be for 11/ 12/teenagers/and parents.
The screenplay as of now has to be the front runner for best original screenplay of the year. It is very good. The look of the film is awesome (I never like to watch Pixar films in 3D, I think 3D mutes colors and Pixar films pop in color and it makes the films from that studio unique), in fact it is like nothing you have seen from Pixar. There are layers of colors muted and also very bright, it takes a bit to get use to.
A quick note of maybe two unsung people: Richard Kind as Riley's imaginary friend Bing Bong is just ...words cant say (no spoiler)!! Kaitlyn Dias is Riley and this film relies on us loving Riley, so her voice makes it work.

We learn there is no joy without sadness and no sadness without joy, so sadness is okay just talk it out with your parents and do not hold it inside. And also memories and time can be sadly fleeting. 4 1/2 out of 5 for this very different Pixar gem!! Bring tissues!! Please note: stay for the credits, you see in the mind of teachers, dogs, cats and so on
LAVA the Pixar short before the film...I thought it was a bit creepy. It involves a volcano wanting love. It was just strange. However the music was cool.

We learned that The Good Dinosaur is done and will be out In November!!
We see a script meeting for Finding Dora, so it is being worked on!!
We see that President of Disney Animation is overseeing Toy Story 4!!
We also see one animators office is dressed up as an old airplane hanger which is very cool.

After the film there was a Q and A session live with Amy Poehler and Peter Doctor. We learned:
Richard Kind cried while making the film.
In fact Peter said Richard Kind's Bing Bong was molded after an old vaudeville act that keeps thinking he has one more show.
Peter said 11 years old was chosen mainly because that is about the age where not puberty but social changes happen.
Peter noted that if you listen the memory balls that are fresh, when hit together, have a sharp noise; and the older memories when hit together have a clunk noise like cinder blocks.
Amy noted she felt it was important that she and Richard were in the room together for their parts.
Amy studied Tom Hanks as Woody to get the feel for the part. She felt Joy best resembles Woody, trying to keep things happy and focused.
Peter said that Amy brought so much energy to Joy that you notice she is like energy or light when they were drawing and coloring her character,

Well from the shadows thanks for your time as always.

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