Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Revisit: 40 years ago this week JAWS!!!! The Original Summer Blockbuster!!!

Image result for Jaws

A perfect week to have no new DVD/BLURAY/Streaming new releases to mention so we can all focus on this shark!!! We need a bigger boat!!!!! So in celebration of 40 years ago this week, I will give you some fun and not so fun facts!!

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Screenplay by Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb
Based on the book by Peter Benchley
Starring: Roy Schneider; Robert Shaw; Richard Dreyfuss; and Lorraine Gary

Okay that trailer was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the score by John Williams brings chills!!!
Here I go:
-You are going to need a bigger boat...not scripted ..but improvised by Schneider
-The mechanical shark was broken down for most of the shoot. Spielberg decided to use the camera as the point of view of the shark, which unknowingly added more suspense.
-In fact the shark was never a point when it first went into the water it sank to the floor.
-Robert Shaw could not stand Richard Dreyfus which added to their tension on camera.
-Though respected as an actor, Robert Shaw's  trouble with alcohol was a frequent source of tension during filming.  When it came time to shoot the famous USS Indianapolis Scene, Shaw attempted to do the monologue while intoxicated as it called for the men to be drinking late at night. Nothing in the take could be used. A remorseful Shaw called Spielberg late that night and asked if he could have another try. The next day of shooting, Shaw's great performance was done in one take.
-The arm found in the sand was actually the arm of a female crew member buried in the sand
-The shark had a name "Bruce" named after a lawyer Spielberg knew.
-Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, was used as Amity Island primarily because even 12 miles out to sea, the sandy bottom was only 30 feet down, allowing the mechanical shark to function. Residents were paid $64 to scream and run across the beach as extras.
-The tax problem Robert Shaw was facing was that if he spent more than a certain amount of time in the U.S. he would face a tax liability. To circumvent that, Shaw was flown to Canada on his days off.
-Jaws only opened on 409 screens
-A scene filmed, but not included in the final release, was during the second beach attack. Brody's son, swimming in the "shallow area" is frozen in terror as the shark approaches him; the man saves his life by pushing the boy out of the way at the last minute and putting himself in the path of the shark. There is a shot of the bloody, dying man's upper body being dragged briefly along in the shark's jaws before being pulled underwater. Steven Spielberg shot the scene, but decided it was far too gruesome and didn't include

Where are they??
Susan Blackline-Played Chrissie the girl who sadly went skinny dipping in the beginning of the film. She played small roles in a couple films like 1941. She is now s a computer accountant in Ventura, California.\

Chris Rebello -Played Michael Brody. Rebello died at the young age of 37 of a heart attack while deer hunting with some lifelong buddies in 2000. He had a wife and three children.

Jay Mello- Married and living in West Burke Vermont with his wife and three kids. Was only 7 when Jaws came out. Arrested for lewd acts in 2010...what they were...that was not specified.

Lorraine Gary-Played the Sheriff's wife. Retired after the Jaws films. Note Marty McFly's mother was named after her in Back To The Future. Still alive and living a quite life.

Murray Hamilton-Played  Mayor Vaughn. A great actor who was also known The Graduate and The Hustler. He died in 1986 at 63 of cancer.

Robert Shaw- Also known for The Sting and From Russia With Love died in 1978 at 51 of a heart attack in Ireland. Just three years after the release of Jaws.

Roy Schneider-Also known for The French Connection; All That Jazz; and 2010. He died in February of 2008 at the age of 75 of Multiple Myeloma.

Richard Dreyfuss-One of our great actors known for many parts most notably for winning an Oscar for The Goodbye Girl. He is still a working actor last seen on the TV show Parenthood.

Jaws will be getting a wide screen release in some theatres in the next couple of weeks, and is available for rent from Netflix.
Remember!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WAS NO BOAT ACCIDENT!!!

From the shadow as always thanks for your time.

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