Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wednesday YAY OR NAY Trailers!! Including Bridge Of Spies!!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!!

Learning To Drive
Release Date August 21st 2015

Ben Kingsley may be miscast ( Maybe Irrfan Kahn was not available), yes he played Gandhi, and his real name is Krishna Bhanji, still I cannot explain why it just seems he is miscast. I do love Patricia Clarkson however and the script looks cute. Still I am going with a slight NAY.

Release Date October 16th 2015

Okay this looks crazy good.  Calling Mr Oscar!! YAY!!

Release Date August 14th 2015

Loooove. Did I say looove?! Greta Gerwig. I cannot not tell what the plot is...but it looks like everybody is a bit of a mess. Which is Gerwig's go to character. May be a bit messy so a slight ..YAY.

Well from the shadows thanks as always for your time.

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