Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday YAY OR NAY Trailers! With Secret Life Of Pets First Trailer!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! This week I have three trailers two of which that are going wide release this week.

Wide Release 6-19-15

The film is getting a lot of praise after it's premier at Sundance. The trailer does not give away too much. It looks like Malcom is a little geeky, which I kind of like, sort of a black version of Michael Cera. I want to follow him. YAY!!

Wide Release 6-19-15

Another Sundance smash finally gets a full release. This looks like it can end very sad. However I really like Olivia Cooke (Bates Motel), I think she is an incredible talent. Plus just from the trailer you can tell the writing is smart and quick. I am in...cautiously because of the sad tone/background of death..YAY!!

Release Date July 8 2016

I think there is a plot but they are not showing it. However if they just ran a hour and a half of this with no plot I would love it. This looks hilarious. Wait......we have to wait until next summer!!!
A sad YAY...because of the wait.

Second week in a row with three YAYS!!!!!!!!!
On a roll!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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