Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Recommended: Man On Wire!!

Image result for man on a wire

Directed by James Marsh

A look at tightrope walker Philippe Petit's daring, but illegal, high-wire walk between New York City's World Trade Center's twin towers in 1974.

A hold your breath documentary!!! Which is strange because you know the outcome, James Marsh does a great job of putting  the documentary together making you feel you are there. We see how the prep work for the walk was accomplished and we follow that crazy walk. We also see not only how nutty Petit is but also how he is a bright gentleman and he goes in fully knowing the consequences, even if he makes it. The documentary also  shows the beauty of the World Trade Towers in New York City, it brings to the documentary a little sadness.
If I had some negatives I would say the documentary spent too much time with Petit's life in Paris. I just wanted to get to the prep work for the walk and the walk.

4 out of 5 stars for this exciting/crazy documentary which is available on Netflix for streaming and rental. Now I brought this documentary up because later on in the week I will connect the documentary with something else. WOW I just gave you a cliffhanger for later in the week!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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