Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday YAY OR NAY Trailers!! Three Big Trailers Released Just This Week!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! This week I have three trailers that were released just this week!!

Release Date November 20 2015

Well I was not a fan of Pt 1. I thought nothing happened and when there was a rescue they did not show it. We really do not see much from this trailer just that before Katniss goes to war she puts on make-up and eyeliner. The trailer shows the film is ready to push forward and opposed to the last film they are done talking and ready to do something....YAY!!

Release Date November 25 2015

Wow!! Did I say Wow!! I did not read the book by Andy Weir but I know of its popularity. What a great premise. What a great cast!! My only issue is that the trailer may have given up too much of the film. Still a great big YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Release Date September 2 2015

This looks nerve racking, like this can happen nerve racking. I am intrigued by Wilson in a dramatic role and he seems believable as the everyman. I am a big fan of Lake Bell. I am in YAY!!

For the first time three YAYs in one week!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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