Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yay or Nay??!! Trailers!!!!

It is Yea or Nay trailer time!!!

Infinitely Polar Bear
Release Date June 19

Well. This looks like it could be sad yet sweet and funny in a weird way. Mark Ruffalo is one of my favorites. Does he turn into the Hulk if he does not get his meds??!! Yea!!!

Release Date July 17

I am not to familiar with Amy Schumer. I know she has a popular show that she writes and stars in called Inside Amy Schumar. From the trailer this looks really funny. Jud Apatow is in a slump after Funny People and This Is Forty...this looks like it could be a comeback for him. Yea!!!

Inside Out
Release Date June 19

Pixar has been in a creative hole I think lately. Doing too many sequels. Now just going by the trailer the film looks like a neat idea. However it looks scattered with out a tone. And the look does not feel like a Pixar film, the colors do not pop and backgrounds look muted. Sadly from the trailer and I hope I am wrong...Nay!! always thanks for your time.

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