Saturday, March 28, 2015

Film Review: A Girl Like Her ( A Scary Look Inside A High School)

Image result for a girl like her

A Girl Like Her
Directed And Screenplay by Amy S.Weber
Starring: Lexi Ainsworth; Hunter King; and Jimmy Bennett

A Mockumentary centered around the suicide attempt of Jessica Burns (Ainsworth). When a "documentary" crew is in the school doing a story on one of the best high schools in the country when the story about Jessica falls into their laps. They start asking around about Jessica and start finding out that maybe Avery Keller (Hunter King) played a part in it. Especially when they find out that Jessica's best friend, Brian (Jimmy Bennett) has filmed Jessica's last six months using a pin camera. Amy S Weber made a very good decision here because it puts you in the hallways of the school.
This film is disturbing, and yet soooo good. While I was watching it I was confused by why this is in a movie theatre. Why is this not playing at schools? Why is it not on HBO instead, where it can get more eyes to watch it?
I worked in one of the top high schools in the country for 10+ years. So I came in looking for holes in the story. I could only find maybe one fault. And that is...once Jessica attempts suicide...that camera crew would be gone, out of the building right away. The way they interviewed Avery would not be allowed on school grounds.
What writer and director Weber did right here, and there is a lot right here was:
Weber showed how a suicide attempt brings overwhelming sadness to the family involved. I felt that was important for a teen watching the film to see how final it can be and how the action of suicide affects those you love.
Weber shows how awful it is for the best friend who knew a lot, but promised to say nothing.
She shows the different ways of bullying. Including social media. Pack mentality with a leader. And the simple things like just a look which is hard to explain to others if it happens to you, but when you see it in the film you can almost feel Jessica being stabbed.
Weber touches on teachers in the school honestly saying....well the priority is making sure the public does not know the secrets. In other words trying to play it down and keeping it in house (In reality those teachers after saying that would no longer be employed probably).
She focuses on students who knew what was going on but out of fear, never said anything and now after the fact light candles and do interviews to let the public know they cared but in reality at the time they did not care enough.
Parents of students being angry about what happened and voicing outrage but in reality their child is part of the group that bullies. And when pressed upon it, they blame others... NOT MY DAUGHTER!
Another disturbing scene is a look inside Avery's house. I will leave it at this...Avery has learned from others.

Faults on the writing? I would say, not much focus falls on the girls who followed Avery. They are to blame also. Also, Avery's reaction to the video seemed out of character, too quickly.

This was a long review for a well acted, very good film, yet disturbingly real film, that should be seen in every school. Find a way to see this film!!
4 out of 5 stars for A Girl Like Her.

As always thanks for your time.

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