Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Breakfast Club Revisited 30 Years Later

Image result for breakfast club

30 years later The Breakfast Club will hit theaters for a couple nights next week.

Don't Forget about Me:

So lets look back with some exciting (okay not that exciting ) fun facts (okay maybe not so fun).

Laura Dern and Robin Wright auditioned for the role of Clair

Rick Moranis was originally locked in to play the janitor but backed out due to differences with John Hughes.

Nicholas Cage was thought of for John Bender

John Cusak  auditioned for Bender a couple times.

Jodie Foster considered for Claire.

Brooke Shields considered for Allison.

Hughes almost fired Judd Nelson several times because of his bad attitude.

At the end of the film John Hughes gave each actor a piece of the library's banister.

The library in the film was actually a gymnasium in Wayne North High School which is shut down as a high school.

The film was originally conceived as a "franchise starter" where they would revisit each character 10 years later. That fell through for what people were guessing one of two reasons: 1-John Hughes and Judd Nelson's bad relationship. Or 2-The relationship between John Hughes and Molly Ringwald became strained when she turned down Some Kind Of Wonderful, which he wrote with Ringwald in mind. She explained she wanted to pull away from teenage films. Which Hughes took personally.

Anthony Michael Hall's real mom and sister play his mom and sister in the film.

The David Bowie quote at the beginning of the film was suggested by Ally Sheedy.

The dandruff flakes from Allison's hair was parmesan cheese.

The film was shot entirely in sequence. In fact they ran through the movie first a couple times before it was put on film like it was a stage play.

That is John Hughes playing Brian's father.

The reasons each character is in detention on Saturday:
Andy (Andrew): tapes a guy's butt cheeks together in the locker room
Brian: flare gun goes off in his locker
Bender: pulls a false fire alarm
Claire: ditches class to go shopping
Allison: didn't do anything, she didn't have anything better to do on a Saturday

The scene when they were sitting around in the circle talking.

Judd Nelson iconic fist pump in the air was adlibbed!!!!

Judd Nelson's joke while crawling through the rafters. There is no actual punchline to the joke.

Why do you have a photo ID? So I can vote. Adlibbed!!

Principal Vernon being a perv watching the girls swim team practice.

Carl predicts where the five kids will be in 30 years. Bender will have killed himself, Claire will have had "2 boob jobs and a face lift," Brian will have become very successful but die of a heart attack due to the stress of the high paying job. Allison will be a great poet but no one will care, and Andrew will marry a gorgeous airline stewardess who will become fat after having kids.

John Bender was not going to walk to school in the original script. He was going to be driven by his dad in a rusty tow truck, and have a brief fight with him before his dad drives off. Bender also tossed a bagged lunch, his father saying "You are a waste of lunch meat!"

The scene where Andrew and Allison are walking to get the sodas is extended to a point where Allison pulls out a pack of cigarettes and smokes one.  After getting the sodas, Bender shakes his can violently and places it among the five to see who gets the rigged one. Allison ends up getting it, and when she opens the can, all the soda squirts directly into her mouth.

After Vernon asks who has to use the lavatory, the five go to the bathroom. Vernon gives the boys 2 minutes and the girls 3 minutes. Claire catches Allison in a stall eating a bag of chips, repulsing her. Bender mocks Brian for sitting down to pee instead of using a urinal.

When the group is sitting in the circle and Allison mentions that she can write (and do other things) with her toes, then begins to show the group her talents.

Several staff members were cut out of the script before filming. A social studies teacher who dresses oddly. A female gym teacher who helps Vernon on a few workout machines until Vernon injures his back. And she eventually visits the students while they are in their circle in the library.

Looking back at this blog. It is sad to see that they will not make any "revisits" to the "club". With John Hughes passing sadly I do not see it happening.

I also think , like a lot of John Hughes films, when you watch the films at different times in your life you have different thoughts and opinions of the characters and their behaviors which I think makes John Hughes films timeless.

So in the theatre next week or at home revisit The Breakfast Club and see how it holds up for you!!!

John Bender: Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy.

John Bender: So it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social. Right?

Vernon: Don't mess with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns.

Brian Johnson: Chicks cannot hold their smoke, dat's what it is.

Again thanks for your time.

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