Friday, March 27, 2015

Movie Review: GET HARD

Get Hard
Directed by Etan Cohen
Screenplay by six writers
Starring: Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart

When  multi-millionaire James King (Ferrell) is found guilty for fraud and is sent to San Quentin, he turns to Darnell Lewis(Hart) to prep him before he goes to jail.

The film has been criticized for racist material. I did not see that. I think the film leans more toward a white person being oblivious and clueless because he seemed to work and live behind walls.
Six writers. I mention that because six writers were involved and this film did not have many laughs, which is shocking. It was more cringe worthy than funny. One scene at a gay diner, I think that is what it was, was just hard (no pun intended) to watch, it was not funny, and borderline homophobic. It was lazy writing with waaay to many coincidences and a rushed ending that seems like it was thrown together.
The positives? Ferrell and Hart had good chemistry. They just did not have much to work with.
2 stars out of 5 for Get Hard.

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