Monday, March 23, 2015


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First let me mention some maintenance. I changed my URL this morning for the odd reason a letter became available over the weekend so I jumped on it. So if you have my URL saved, change it to the new one!! Under the new URL you can still read past posts!!
Now that is out of the way..I move on too recommended Monday, in which I recommend a film that may have passed you by when it first came out.

Stories We Tell
Directed by Sarah Polley
Narrated by Michael Polley

A documentary with a mix of interviews; home movies; and reenactments. Sarah Polley creates an intriguing profile of her family, especially her mother, Diane, who died when Polley was 11 years old. While the focus was on her mother who was a stage actress in Canada, which I think was the original purpose of her documentary, the film veers off that target after some surprising revelations get uncovered.
Sara Poley, known more for being an actress in films such as Go and John Adams. Here she does a wonderful job directing and writing, keeping you interested with intrigue and a little humor. The documentary won 27 awards out of 28 opportunities while making its festival tour.
The reenactment are kind of corny but I guess that may be because it is a documentary and did not have a huge budget. does come across a little long, it could have used a small amount of editing. Still, you cannot stop watching.
After watching this I felt really bad for Sarah's father and thought a little less of her mother. I just think what she did was mean. I do not know if Sarah meant for people to feel that way. Then I think, her mother made a decision and could not go back in time...she pushed forward. So there is sadness also for her,,,how heavy her secrets probably were. I am sure everybody leaves this with different opinions. Here is a great quote from the film: "When you're in the middle of a story, it isn't a story at all but rather a confusion, a dark roaring, a blindness, a wreckage of shattered glass and splintered wood, like a house in a whirlwind or else a boat crushed by the icebergs or swept over the rapids, and all aboard are powerless to stop it. It's only afterwards that it becomes anything like a story at all, when you're telling it to yourself or someone else". So true.

Well every family has their secrets I guess..not many like this.
I give Stories We Tell 4 out of 5 stars. It is available on DVD and streaming through Netflix.

As always thanks for your time.

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