Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday DVD/BluRay/Streaming Recommended

Image result for tell no one

It is Monday...which means my recommendation of a film you might have missed along the way.

Today is a film called: Tell No One or Ne le dis à personne.

Directed and screenplay by Guillaume Canet
Based on the book by Harlan Coben
Starring: Francois Cluzet

In this French film a Pediatrician Alexandre Beck misses his beloved wife Margot Beck, who was brutally murdered eight years ago and he was the prime suspect. When two bodies are found near where Margot's body was dumped, the police reopen the case and they start to look at Alex again. The mystery increases when Alex receives an e-mail saying TELL NO ONE...with an attached picture of his wife alive outside a transit area.
Alfred Hitchcock comes to mind while watching this. How is this possible?! He was at his wife's funeral. It needs a little bit of editing it goes over 2 hours and I think it could be trimmed down. I saw this in the theatre and I admittedly got lost at the end. And I think it was because of the language barrier and I had trouble keeping up with what was going on and who was who. At home I was able to pause and follow. Well acted by Cluzet, you may have seen him in the Intouchables a couple years back.
Tell No One is an exciting thriller/mystery. 4 out of 5 stars and is available for streaming on Netflix.

Well as always thanks for your time and spread the word if you can about the blog.         

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