Wednesday, March 4, 2015

More Trailers!! Yay Or Nay!!

Time to look at trailers!Just by judging the trailer, do you give the movie a Yea Or Nay?!!!

While Were Young.
Release date March 27th

Arthritis Arthritis? Yes. But I usually say it once. Great line!! This movie looks like it could be well written. And did I see Charlis Grodin???!!! Where has he been???!! Can Adam Driver be in every movie??!! Great cast. I laughed often during the trailer. YEA!!

She's Funny That Way
Release date May 1st

It has a good cast. I really like Imogen Posts. It looks like the film has a good many familiar costars. From what I see it looks like it could be a farce. However I did not laugh. NAY.
P.S. Bad title changed to...Squirrel To Nuts.

Child 44
Release date..2015...exact date unknown.

Is Tom Hardy doing the same voice he used for Bane in the Dark Knight film? LOL. I did not read the book, so I do not know much about the plot. From the trailer I am intrigued. Dark and cold. A thriller and a mystery. I noted in a past blog that I think Tom Hardy has risen to be one of the best if not the best actor working today. With him and Joel Kinnaman (The Killing) another wonderful upcoming actor. Throw in Noomi Rapace (Dragon Trilogy) it looks like it has the makings of a big hit. YEA!!

Again, thanks for your time.

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