Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New Film Review: Dolittle

Image result for dolittle


Shouldn't there be another "O"? Just saying.

Downey Jr. plays Dolittle who is asked to come out of retirement, and his own depression after the death of his wife. He is asked to save the Queen by going on an adventure with the animals, who he understands their language, to find a healing tree.

I was kind of surprised that I kind of liked this film. I was sweet. The trailer was kind of lacking.

Downey Jr is very good and believable as Dolittle. He is pretty amazing if you take into account he is acting against nobody often. The animals of course are not there and put in during other than another mail in performance by the baddie of the film Michael Sheen; and a over the top performance by Antonio Banderas: and Harry Collet in the film for no reason it is all Downey Jr..

It is a fun harmless adventure that is a little better than average. It has many funny moments mixed in with adventures. I laughed at the CGI animals often. Heck I rather watch these CGI animals instead of the Lion King again.

I don't understand why this film was set up to fail, by releasing it in January. Maybe it tested bad? It seems more like a film to be seen during Easter season. Maybe it did not want to compete with some animated April films? I am not sure but I do know it is much better than critics are saying.

3 stars out of 5 for the fun sweet film Dolittle. Well worth a matinee trip.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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