Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Top 20 Of The Decade: Numbers 17-16-15

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And now Numbers 17-16-15...............

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Directed by Tom McCarthy
Screenplay by Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
Starring Rachel McAdams; Mark Ruffalo; Michael Keaton; John Flattery; and Live Schreiber

The true story of how the Boston Globe Spotlight Team uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core.

"Honey lets go out to the movies and watch the story about priest molesting children". Yeah. That was not going to happen. However I will tell you is a very good film.
It takes you back to All The Presidents Men. When newspapers did not have an agenda. They just worked hard on a story to get the truth out. And, as in this story, you push for the truth despite all the obstacles in front of you. Lets face it. These reporters were not just fighting priests they were fighting the beliefs of most of Boston who were catholic. In the face of all the push back...they worked very hard to get the truth out to the public. These reporters were heroes who opened up a can of worms.
Every single actor in this film gives a fantastic performance. Highlighted by Ruffalo as Rezendes. He pushes and pushes and gets emotionally involved.

I remember going into the theater thinking I really do not want  to watch this, I walked out of the theater thinking..."Shit, that was really good. Those reporters are heroes". It surprised me. Like noted before, this is not just about Catholic Priest, it is about journalist actually working hard to get to the truth and never settling.

Spotlight is available for home viewing.


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Directed By Wes Anderson
Screenplay By Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola

Set on an island off the coast of New England in the 1960's, where a young boy and girl runaway, right before a bad storm. This turns the whole town upside down.

Either you get Wes Anderson or you do not. I do not think there is an in-between. I always say Wes Anderson is my favorite Director. I get him.

This is his best of the decade!!
Yes it has the Wes Anderson regular troop involved:
Bill Murray
Bruce Willis
Ed Norton
Frances McDormand
Jason Schwartzman
Tilda Swinton

However the big stars here are our two runaways:
Jared Gilman as Sam
Kara Hayward as Suzy
They are all in and if they were not the film does not work. They are awesome. I imagine half the time they must ask Wes Anderson, "You want what?"! LOL.

There are so many funny lines and funny moments, but also this film has the sweet Wes Anderson ending to close a good story. Wes may be a little off, but damn he can tell a story. Wes got an Oscar Nomination here for the screenplay; and a Golden Globe nomination for best film.

Moonrise Kingdom is available for home viewing.


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Silver Linings Playbook 2012

Directed and Screenplay by David O Russell
Based on the book by Matthew Quick
Starring Bradley Cooper; Jennifer Lawrence; Robert DeNiro; and Jacki Weaver

Well it did a lot of things right:

-David O Russell took the book by Matthew Quick and created a gem. Think about this, lost in all the romance there is an important sad subject of mental illness. These characters are flawed and are going through tough times. He walks the tightrope of laughter and sadness of not only the main characters Pat and Tiffany but also how families are affected by mental illness. Mental illness...laughter...romance and somehow he makes it work.

-Casting.... Well let us not forget the wonderful chemistry between Lawrence and Cooper in all of their films especially this one. Then throw in DeNiro giving his best performance in years. And the always reliable and underrated Jacki Weaver.

-The city I love. Yes I am biased. And I know it takes a beating in the press but Philadelphia is not only beautiful here but also tough and loving and caring and passionate. The city I love is so true in this film.
 What a wonderful fun film!!

Now for fun and not so fun facts:

-Bradley Cooper is a huuuuge Philadelphia Eagles fan just like his character.

-The movie was shot in just 33 days.

-Lawrence's role was suppose to be more GOTH but it was asked to be more toned down and she was asked to gain weight for the role...a rare thing in Hollywood.

-The title does not appear in the film until the very end

-Jennifer Lawrence auditioned by SKYPE after Anne Hathaway dropped out.

Almost forgot to mention the ridiculous dance competition that is silly but we go with it because we are cheering for Pat and Tiffany. They hooked us from the beginning.

Silver Linings Is available for home viewing.

The count moves on ......

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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