Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Top Ten Worst Films Of 2019: 7-6-5

Image result for rambo last blood

I am back with my top ten worst films of the year!!
I know...settle down!!


Rambo came back.
This mission he heads to Mexico to find a missing girl only to  rattle a cage of a prostitution ring.

It is it is violent.

However what leads to the violence is what bothered me about this film.
There is rape and torture, which is uncomfortable to watch.
Yes there was revenge to those doing the torture eventually but was not pleasant.

At the end, the film felt empty, just empty.

Stallone was not even good here, he just mumbled and we could not tell often if he is hurt or not.

This strange and felt dated. When will John Rambo just walk up to 10 guys with guns and try to fight them with no weapon? The film was just strange.

Image result for where'd you go bernadette 2019


I read the book Bernadette, it was very popular. I however did not like it. I found Bernadette cold and kind of mean, and the reasoning behind leaving sounds nice and all but still leaving without telling her family was cruel.
So now I came to this film. Weeellll. They changed some things from the book. They shortened time spans and gave a bigger explanation to why she left. Obviously Director Linklater and co-screenwriter Holly Gent knew in the book she came across, yes like the cool mom but also mean and they tried to soften that. It did not work, or maybe I did not care.
Did not care. I guess that is the problem with the film. I had trouble caring about Bernadette and her husband played stiff as a board by Billy Crudup.
Oh boy...Bernadette is a architect, who just has strayed away from this line of work for ....bizarre reasons, that really make no sense. Well that is the story.
There are positives.....
Emma Nelson as Bee Branch the daughter is wonderful.
Kristen Wiig give a good performance as the over bearing yet kind of sad neighbor next door Audrey.

I get the feeling by watching this and all the push back opening date delays this film had, that Linklater tried to edit this the best he could playing with time and trying to soften Bernadette, or go with the pro-me too stance, reality it should have not been made into a film

Image result for ma


This movie had a lot of problems....and let me get this out of the way ..the acting of the two leads Octavia Spencer and Diana Silvers was not the problem, they were both very good in their parts.

Other than that...I disliked this film on sooooo many levels.
- There was no one to like. I need someone to latch on to...but no one was likable. Not one of the high school kids were likable. Not even Maggie, played by Silvers, was likable. Heck Maggie did not say enough for us to even know her. Of course Ma was evil and just sad. The people in the town were not likable. UGH!!!
-The writing is just bad. Some lines had me almost laughing out loud. Some scenes, including a scene of stitching some ones mouth together with no blood...(HUH????!!), were so unrealistic I had to fight to not leave the theater.
- The ending was open ended and dumb. I mean what happened to everyone????!!! Then in comes a surprise character they throw at you in the last 20 minutes that we are shocked to see but never find out about her!!

Enough. I do understand there is a message of the long term effects of bullying, but it gets lost in the evil of it all.

Do not bother with MA!!!!!!!!!

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