Sunday, January 19, 2020

My Top Ten Films For 2019: Numbers 7-6-5

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We continue with....MY TOP TEN FILMS OF 2019 NUMBERS 7-6-AND 5!!!


Image result for blinded by the light movie


Often I note this.
Or how?
How can a film this good fail?
I sometimes think this is the end of the movie theaters as we know it.
Tent pole films have changed the theaters. They have no big money backing from the producers or the tent poles like Marvel films or Disney films. Its a shame because some films should be communal and be talked about in the lobby and be enjoyed together. It is sad.
So...Blinded By The Light...surprised me. It reminded me a lot of The Greatest Showman or the wonderful Sing Street. Its part drama...part musical. It is a story about the love and strength of family, with wonderful performances and music.
We follow the true story of a Pakistanian young man named Javed played wonderfully by Viveik Kalra whose life is in turmoil:

1-He is a Pakistanian living in England in the late 80's, where many do not want them around.
2-His father wants him to learn a trade and not be a writer, which he wants to be, because that is not a trade.
3-He is going to a new school where he kind of struggles to fit in.

Through all this he finds a good friend in Roops played by Aaron Phagura, who introduces him to the music and writings of Bruce Springsteen.
Then he meets a friend and social activist Eliza, played by Nell Williams, who opens his eyes, and opens up his writing abilities if that makes sense.
A teacher played by Hayley Atwell who points him in the right directions.
Everything here works in an odd way.
Kudos to Director Gurinder Chada who took odd chances that worked, like having Springsteen's music lines floating across the screen, which made the words or lines have a bigger impact. I think often that today, a good written song is modern poetry, and emphasizing the words not just music here is brilliant for a movie who highlights a young man wanting to be a writer.

The story line between Eliza and Javed is forgotten, it really gets lost...who knows what happened to her and their relationship.

Still what a nice, wonderful, entertaining, corny, true story.

Blinded By The Light is available for home viewing.

BLINDED BY THE LIGHT is my number 7 favorite film of 2019!!


Image result for brittany runs a marathon


Based on the true story of Brittany Forgleris played by Jillian Bell. Brittany is the life of the party. The funny girl, who drinks until she is down for the count. When a Dr tells her she needs to make changes she sure does.

I put the trailer in this review to show you where some people get is not a comedy, it sure looks it by the trailer but it is not. Yes there are funny parts, but there is something more here.
This wonderful story, no spoilers, follows Brittany as she tries to turn her life around by training for a marathon, and unknowingly changes all aspects of her life.
This film is Bell. She is absolutely wonderful going from heartrendingly sad, to funny, to cringe-worthy, to joyful. Most interesting to note is, and I think what makes this film works more is that Brittany often is not a good person. She can be mean to others, in a strange way because she does not like herself she tends to take it out on others, Brittany is real with faults. The marathon is just a means to grow. Its a fun ride getting there.
Bell is great but she gets help by:
Michaela Watkins as Catherine Brittany's neighbor. The example of the person who seems to have just a nice life until you dig deeper. Catherine is one of Brittany's running buddies.
Micah Stock as Seth Brittany's cheerleading other running buddy\
Esteban Benito as Peter, who becomes Brittany.s roommate by accident.
All three of these costars help push the film along and are wonderful.

Just a small one. Director Paul Downs Colaizzo I felt rushed this film at the end. Brittany crashed near the end and the pick up was quick and time jumped months to a year. He had plenty of time to show us what happened here and her thoughts, the film was just an hour and fourty five minutes. We kind of had to guess that time helped her maybe?
 However that is a small issue. This film is wonderful and should have had a full release. Jillian Bell is great! .

Brittany Runs A Marathon is available for home viewing and on Amazon Prime

BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON Is My Number 6 Favorite Film Of 2019.


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Yes a late comer to the fact 2 out of the 3 of my last films I watched in 2019 made this list!!
What 2 did they knock off?
Maybe I will tell when I get further in my list.

Two British Soldiers During the First World War have to go behind enemy lines to deliver an important message that may save  thousands of lives.

Director Sam Mendes (who also was the screenwriter with Krysty Wilson-Cairns) should win best director at Oscar time. The wonderful decision of filming in one long shot with a steady-cam is mind bending often. He puts us, the viewers, right in the middle of the nerve bending war..we are in the trenches. We are crawling over bodies with the main characters. We are there thanks to Sam Mendes's decision. This film is often hard to watch but it is real, and shame on me for covering my eyes, for not watching the bravery.
Cinematographer Roger Deakins should get credit, I mean he gives us the widescreen look of war. You never feel you are looking at sets. He is the reason that many times we are covering our eyes!! To be honest..because of Deakins and Mendes we really do not need lines or sound. This film could be done as a beautiful silent film and still work!
George Mackay as Lance Corporal Schofield. He is the the face of the film, it is a big role for him while doing most of his acting without words just with his eyes. We fear when he fears.

If I had to find a negative is the soft ending. It just...ended, no huge big emotional just faded out. It was kind of strange, after the feeling of traveling with Corporal Schofield through the battlefield, and then it was done. Maybe this is my fault, maybe I am so used to the big Hollywood finish with fireworks, and a big score, people crying or clapping, maybe that is on me for looking for that. Mendes just decided to just let it end, maybe because this is not the end of the war...only thing to do is march on. Still it makes the film feel cold, yet again...the other side is..war is cold.
1917 is just great big beautiful film on the big ends with a whimper..but the trip is something.

1917 is still in the theaters and it is wonderful on the big screen.

1917 Is My Number 5 Film Of 2019!!

So I get closer to number 1!!! Did you notice by the way 7-6-5 are based on a true story?!

From the shadows as usual thanks for your time.

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