Saturday, January 18, 2020

My Top Ten Films Of 2019: 10-9-8

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Well it is what you have been waiting for!!!
I know!!
Settle down!!
Interesting fact about my top ten, I noticed after making my list..5 of the 10 are based on true stories.

As top ten are a little different from the critics, I am not here to tell you how smart I am and that you should watch this film even though it does not entertain you. That is what made this blog work and get 31000 looks between Decenmber 1st and now (31000! I know, Right?!)  These films I think are either entertaining. Some are fun, while some are tense, and some can teach us all a little something while being entertained.

Well lets get started:

Image result for parasite movie

As you can tell from the is different. We follow a family who lives in the poorer section of South Korea, who slowly start ...moving in on a wealthier family. I cannot tell you more, I do not want to spoil this but...some shit goes down in this house.

The performances by all the actors are just wonderful.
The director Joon Ho-Bongand his screenwriter Han Jin Woon take their time with character development. They let the story simmer. Mixed with sadness; humor; and just works.

The end of the film is ...a downer for sure....with maybe some hope, not sure.

As for the perspective of people who are saying that this is a story of the rich looking down on the poor and the parasites are the rich. I totally disagree with that and I hate when people look for something that is not there. The parasites are Ka-Taek and his family. They are lying and stealing their way into this house. The writing is wonderful because...yes I am cheering for them. Still they are wrong here. As for the family in the house, I found them kind and not mean. They are in a position as bosses and like some bosses they come across as obnoxious and pushy, still they are just living the lives that they probably earned and are nice enough to hire this family (Without knowing it is a family). So I disagree with that narrative.

Parasite is being re-released to the theaters during Oscar season.

My number 10 favorite film of the year... PARASITE

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Directed by Olivia Wilde this film follows 2 very smart high school students,,,,who want to break loose for the first time on the night before graduation.
The two students Amy and Molly are played by Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein. Both actresses coming from popular TV shows are just excellent. They are the film. Wilde took a chance for 2 newbies in the lead and it worked. In fact every character in this film is perfectly cast, so kudos to Wilde for her casting choices.
As for the script it is funny and and sometimes cringe worthy in a good way (When you see it ...The Panda; The barbie dolls; The sex scene). Then she adds some emotion within the deep friendship between Amy and Molly.
 It is a funny and a little crude joyride!! Finding a good comedy in the theaters is not easy these days.

Booksmart is available now for home viewing.

My number 9 favorite film of the year...BOOKSMART

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Look at me!! The guy who ripped the last Avengers has this one in my top ten!!
Hey I have an open mind!!

Endgame, Directed by the Russo brothers is fantastic!! Funny .....suspenseful ....intriguing....and sad . All rolled up in a Marvel film. Oh and by the way many theories from the trailers were just theories...not panning out! They made you look left when you should have looked right.

I will break this down on why it worked by the hour, it was a 3 hour film, but surprisingly it flied by:

Hour 1
Casting Casting Casting. The first hour is all character development. It moved slow but it is very important. It works because of how great the cast is. Here finally, after all these years we got no CGI, we just let the cast shine. Highlighted by Downey Jr; Johansson; Hemsworth; and Ruffalo ( I still think Evans is a bad actor). All sooooo good!!!!!!!!! Humor mixed with sadness.

Hour 2
Hour 2 is time travel hour, it gets very confusing sometimes. Like seeing 2 of the same characters at the same time and trying to figure out the point as we try to follow each hero against themselves kind of.  I went with it...the writing is a bit intriguing, it took chances knowing how odd of an idea it is.

Hour 3
The battle. You knew it was coming,,,every Marvel movie has the final battle and this is...The Final Battle. Often choppy. Often too dark to see what is going on. Often you feel like it is being made up as they were filming it. Also sometimes the CGI lacked a bit. Still...the crowd was cheering!!!!!!! They were vested!! All in!! This is what you paid for ( Except this odd moment in the battle where all these women get together and fight, except it goes no where. It is like they threw it in at post-production to apiece a group but it went no where, it weird, the fight just stopped to show this..and then nothing happened). Then after the battle, the tears. The crying in the theater. There is sadness mixed with hope.
A wonderful ending to this long series.
One final quick note....Hemsworth has the best comic timing and he shows it over and over. It is underrated I think.
Oh...I LOVE YOU 3000!! I just want you to know.

Avengers Endgame is available for home viewing.

 My number 8 favorite film of the year...AVENGERS ENDGAME

7...6...5...still to come.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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